Definition of terms


Property: The rented dwelling address as provided to the Company by the Agent or Landlord

Company: Kerry Ellis trading as Swan Inventories

Inventory Provider or IP: The person or persons representing Swan Inventories compiling the inventory and completing the Assignment and/or undertaking any of the other tasks in the process.

Agent: This will be used to denote a Residential Lettings Agent or Estate Agent.

Tenant: The person or persons occupying a property under a Tenancy.

Assignment: The compiling of an Inventory, Inventory Check-in Report, Inventory Check-out Report, Update, Property Inspections or other job instructed to the Company by the Agent or Landlord.

Landlord: The legal owner of the Property to be let.

Inventory: This will be used as an abbreviation of the full term which is “Inventory and Schedule of Condition” and refers to the written document detailing the condition of, and contents of the property to be let

Inventory Check-in Report: Details any changes to the Inventory for the Property and recording meter readings (where accessible) and keys present at commencement of letting term but prior to the occupation of the property.

Inventory Check-out Report: Report detailing any changes to the Property Inventory noted at the end of the tenancy including the recording of meter readings (where accessible) and keys present at the end of the letting term.

Third Party Inventory update: When updating a third party’s inventory, our costs will be higher due to the additional work hours that would be required and the document would, by necessity, be a word document without photographs.  This can save money for a client in the short term, but in order to incorporate the embedded photographs and provide our standard format document, we would recommend we visit the property to prepare a new inventory using our software at our standard prices.

Property Inspection/ Mid term Visit: A tenancy check of the property to assess condition during the term.

Important Information/Disclaimer:A document containing useful information for Agents and Tenants as included with an Assignment or as published on the Company’s web site.

Instructions of Assignment:Include bookings made to the Company by the Agent or Landlord either in person, by telephone or via email.

Cancellations: The Company reserves the right to make a full charge to the Agent for the cancellation of an Assignment within 12 hours of the intended date and time. A nominal fee of £30 may be levied should the Assignment be aborted, for whatever reason, including mis-instruction, after the Inventory Provider has arrived at the Property. This fee is subject to the Assignment being rescheduled with the Company. In the event the assignment is not rescheduled with the Company the full fee for the assignment may be charged. A charge of £10 per quarter hour may be made for waiting time at the Property beyond the confirmed time for the Assignment due to late arrival of a Tenant or Agent, incorrect notified location of keys or documentation, or any delay in gaining access to the Property beyond the control of the Inventory Provider or the Company, or where a property is unfit or unsafe for entry.

Duties carried out by either the Inventory Provider or Company outside the definition of the Assignment may be chargeable by separate negotiation. Assignments may be carried out outside of normal office hours, and confirmed by the Company, may attract a premium fee by separate negotiation. The Company’s normal office hours are: Monday – Friday 09.00 to 17.00 (Weekends and Public Holiday Assignments considered by separate negotiation).

Payment Terms:Payment of invoices are due within 30 days of the Invoice date.